Andrew Ng’s playbook to lead companies into the AI era

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Andrew Ng, the co-founder of Google Brain, launches a playbook to invite large companies to develop AI solutions.

Andrew Ng’s playbook to lead companies into the AI era
Andrew Ng, a pioneer of artificial intelligence solutions, launches a playbook to invite large companies to develop AI solutions. Image: Bigstock.
Reading time 2 minutes
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Andrew Ng, the co-founder of Google Brain and former Baidu AI team leader, launches “AI Transformation Playbook,” a guide to encourage large companies to develop AI solutions.

The boost on AI technology carried out by companies such as Google, Amazon, Microsoft or Facebook gives them significant competitive advantages. Also, according to the Landing AI website, by 2030 this technology will generate global GDP growth of more than 13 trillion dollars.

Although any startup or small company can use this manual to transform its business processes and objectives, this five-step guide aims to invite large companies to achieve a radical transformation focused on AI.

  1. Execute successful and attractive pilot projects. Before betting big on ambitious AI projects, it is essential that the first pilot project has a clear and achievable goal, and it must be meaningful and successful. This will generate confidence in the organization and motivate all areas to develop AI initiatives.

  2. Consolidate an internal AI team. Although it is tempting to hire an experienced team to generate quick solutions, it is better to bet on internal teams to make unique products and services.

  3. Provide AI training to all employees. Finding AI talent is difficult and expensive. Training a large number of employees in these new skills is more affordable and beneficial through digital content, such as MOOCs, Coursera, e-books or YouTube videos.

  4. Develop a powerful strategy. Although many entrepreneurs can claim that strategy must come first, according to Andrew Ng, it is more important to gain prior experience to envision powerful projects.

  5. Develop internal and external communications. These type of initiatives will significantly impact the processes of the companies. For this reason, a communications program aimed at internal and external customers must be executed to guarantee a correct alignment.

To learn more about this initiative, take a look at Andrew Ng’s playbook here.

Christian Guijosa

This article from Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education may be shared under the terms of the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0