Expedition: First Stone of the New Innovation Building at Tec de Monterrey is Laid

Reading Time: 3 minutes Phase 2 of DistritoTec begins with the construction of “Expedition,” a building located on the Monterrey campus that will promote innovation and entrepreneurship.

Expedition: First Stone of the New Innovation Building at Tec de Monterrey is Laid
Reading time 3 minutes
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The new Expedition building at Tec de Monterrey will be a multidisciplinary space for academia, industry, and society to generate knowledge based on science and technology to solve humanity’s challenges. This center will enable local, national, and international specialists to connect and conduct scientific and innovative activities to forge a feasible life for the next 100 years. “With the creation of this space, we endorse the commitment of Tec in its Strategic Plan (2025). Additionally, we will advance our goal of being a university with transcendental impact,” explained José Antonio Fernández Carbajal, president of the Board of Directors of Tec de Monterrey.

With the construction of Expedition, the institution starts phase 2 of DistritoTec and its transformation into an innovation district with approximately 280 thousand square meters of real estate development. “Today, we foster the collaboration of innovators and entrepreneurs through the ‘Leading the Path of Expedition’ initiative. We do this so that they can carry out entrepreneurial research for ventures and applications that promote economic, social, and environmental development,” explained. David Garza Salazar, Rector and Executive President of Tec de Monterrey. He added that the name Expedition was intended to represent projects of high impact and value to be promoted for the state, the region, the country, and the world.

The first stone of the Expedition building

A drone placed the first stone on the site where the new Expedition building will be located during the construction-start ceremony. The event was held on November 29 in the Main Hall of the Rectory on the Monterrey campus, where authorities, researchers, professors, and various members of the Tec community gathered and enjoyed a “spatial experience” at the beginning of this new stage.

“The loss of housing became the starting point to reimagine and recognize ourselves as an integral part of this neighborhood community. Today, our district has increased the population by 56%,” said Eva Garza, Chair of the Tec District Committee. She also assured that this evolution is undertaken to foster a better society through significant changes in the teaching-learning process and promote a healthy life.

For her part, Lorena Guillé-Laris, Executive Director of the FEMSA Foundation, highlighted the importance of this innovation space. “The FEMSA Foundation and Tecnologico de Monterrey have a long history of promoting knowledge and innovation. The start of this project is an essential step in our commitment to the innovations Latin America needs,” she stated.

Learn More about Expedition

This new space for meetings, exchanges, and connections is estimated to be completed in 2024. It will have seven stories; the first two floors will be open to the public. The third to seventh floors will be private, specialized spaces for generating useful and valuable knowledge for society.

Level 1: “The Door to the Future” will house the Science Gallery, a conceptual restaurant, and an experimental shop.

Level 2: “Community with Purpose” will house Venture Café, an incubator and maker space.

Level 3: “Knowledge in action” will have a laboratory for designs of the future (Futures DesignLab), an accelerator and a Fintech lab.

Level 4: Here will be the “Institute for the Future of Education,” a space dedicated to research, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

Level 5: “Institute for Obesity Research,” a space for the individual’s physical, mental, and emotional health.

Level 6: “Institute of Advanced Materials for Sustainable Manufacturing,” a space for collaborative efforts to create more sustainable materials and processes.

Level 7: “Feasible life in 100 years” will be a space dedicated to generating solutions to the environmental, social, economic, and political problems experienced on our planet.

Get to know the building in a virtual tour by clicking here.

Introducing Science Gallery Monterrey

JUMPSTART is the name of the first pop-up exhibition on the Monterrey campus, aimed at attracting the public to the Science Gallery. This gallery will be located on the first floor of the new Expedition building and will include works by local artists. The international Science Gallery network is the only global university network dedicated to promoting public engagement with the sciences and art. “Science Gallery is an example of the kind of project that various educational institutions can do in the sciences and arts environment,” said Sarah Durcan, Director of Science Gallery International.

Science Gallery Monterrey is the latest addition to the international Science Gallery network, which currently has offices in Dublin, London, Melbourne, Bengaluru, Berlin, Rotterdam, and Atlanta. This exhibition will exhibit works on loan from Science Gallery Melbourne of the University of Melbourne and Science Gallery Atlanta of Emory University.

The first official agreement was signed between Tec de Monterrey and Science Gallery International during the presentation event. This agreement was accorded by David Garza Salazar, Executive President and Rector of Tec de Monterrey, Juan Pablo Murra, Rector of Professional and Postgraduate programs, and Sarah Durcan, Director of Science Gallery International. In addition, they were joined by Roberto Íñiguez, National Dean of the School of Architecture, Art and Design, and Miguel González Virgen, leader of the Monterrey Region Arts Initiative.

Translation by Daniel Wetta

Martha Mariano

This article from Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education may be shared under the terms of the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0