Report on Storytelling, a creative learning tool that offers spectators a moral or reflection on an event. It is used in intercultural groups to generate a lesson, construct multiple emotions and promote diverse points of view.

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Human beings are marked by stories and experiences that shape their personal way of thinking. Language forms the basis for our understanding of life as a sequence of memories and anecdotes that someone narrates to build communication in societies or cultural groups.

Storytelling is a creative learning tool that offers spectators a moral or reflection on an event. It is used in intercultural groups to generate a lesson, construct multiple emotions and promote diverse points of view.

In this edition you will find:

An introduction to Storytelling

The elements of Storytelling

The role of the teacher


And more…

Download the Edu Trends report on Storytelling


This article from Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education may be shared under the terms of the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0