Would you like to share your educational experience with the Observatory’s community?

Reading Time: 2 minutes At the Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tec de Monterrey, we want to highlight the work carried out by educators worldwide through the Edu bits 2023-2024 Call. Find out the bases to participate here.

Would you like to share your educational experience with the Observatory’s community?
Reading time 2 minutes
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Take part in the IFE Observatory’s Edu Bits 2023-2024 Call!

At the Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education at Tec de Monterrey, we seek to disseminate and share the best educational practices and trends that strengthen and support the work carried out by educators in different learning environments.

Since launching the Observatory’s Edu Bits initiative in 2014, we have had the honor to meet, enjoy, and share the educational experiences of the most innovative educators in Mexico and Latin America. Educators from Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Spain, and the U.S. have participated. Thanks to the participation of educators who share their teaching experiences, we learn from them, and they inspire us to innovate and renew our teaching practices continuously.

The IFE Observatory is a platform that seeks to support educators’ daily work, generating and sharing high-quality open educational resources. We dream these experiences will be known and replicated in other communities, regions, and parts of the world.

Over time and thanks to our readers and their valuable feedback, the IFE Observatory network has grown to over 500,000 subscribers and followers across our different social media networks. The Observatory’s contents receive more than 4 million annual visits. To date, we have had the participation of over 370 of the most innovative educators in their areas of knowledge from different places in Latin America, Spain, and the USA.

Therefore, we invite you to participate in the Edu Bits Call. It is an open call for all educators and academic leaders from any institution at any educational level worldwide. The goal is to share innovative educational experiences and practices with other educators and our audience through an Edu Bits article.

What is an Edu Bits article?

An Edu Bits article is a popular article related to teaching innovation practice or educational innovation experience. Such articles use clear, simple, and intelligible language to transmit and explain ideas, experiences, discoveries, facts, or concepts on educational, technological, scientific, social, or cultural topics. They aim to disseminate knowledge about relevant topics so society can make informed and appropriate decisions.

Who is the target audience?

  • Educators from primary to higher education.
  • Academic leaders
  • Researchers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Students, families, and tutors

Would you like to participate? Read the IFE Observatory’s requirements and guidelines for the Edu Bits 2023-2024 Call!

We would love to hear about your experience. We invite you to participate!

Rubí Román

– (rubi.roman@tec.mx) Editor of Edu bits articles and Webinars "Learnings that inspire"

This article from Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education may be shared under the terms of the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0