Top 10 Most-Read Articles of 2020

Reading Time: 2 minutes

We welcome 2021 with a list of our most-read articles of 2020.

Top 10 Most-Read Articles of 2020
Reading time 2 minutes
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Let’s start the year with a list of the most-read articles of 2020, the most atypical year we have experienced. Rereading these articles allows us to reflect on the challenges we faced and the lessons learned in 2020.

1. Making Learning Visible in Makerspaces

Louisa Rosenheck
Maker Education provides students with the necessary autonomy to explore their own ideas and see themselves as people who can imagine, create, build, and solve problems. Learn about the free tools developed by the MIT Playful Journey Lab to transfer enriching practices discovered in an informal learning environment to a more formal one.

2. Synchronous and asynchronous learning: definition, advantages, and disadvantages

Paulette Delgado
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools were forced to move their classes online, venturing into trying asynchronous and synchronous learning to see which adapts to their needs and those of their students. However, what do these concepts mean? How do they differ?

3. What is Toxic Positivism?

Paulette Delgado
Maintaining an excessive positive attitude can be harmful to our health, as well as affect our interpersonal relationships. Learn to identify the signs of toxic positivism and how to avoid it.

4. How Do Art and Mythology Relate to Climate Change?

Florina Guadalupe Arredondo Trapero
Earth is the only place we can inhabit as humanity. It is not about migrating to other planets; it is about migrating our way-of-being-in-the-world. Learn more about how art and mythology relate to climate change.

5. Three Skills that we are Losing in the 21st-Century (and Three that we are Gaining)

Sofía García-Bullé
The advancement of technology and the social needs of any historical moment produce the values and pressures that define which skills are in play and must take priority in educational spaces. Here we present six skills that show the impact of progress towards an era of digital, communicative, and conscious intelligence.

6. Opinion: To Cope with Coronavirus, Education

Andrés García Barrios
Today more than ever, Fromm’s four components of love are crucial: care, knowledge, responsibility, and respect. Educating ourselves both personally and socially, and quickly, is the challenge we face today.

7. Parents, Students, and Teachers Face the Challenges of Adapting to Homeschooling

Paulette Delgado
Since Spring, millions of parents, teachers, and students are trying to adapt to the “new normal” and the challenges involved in online learning. With the return to classes this Fall, the challenges and struggles continue.

8. Education in Times of a Pandemic

Paola Villafuerte
Security measures taken due to coronavirus spread have ended up reflecting the reality of inequality that many students live outside the classroom.

9. How to Make a Live Class Session More Effective and Run Smoother

Mary Ann Meinecke
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers have been thrust into online education and synchronous sessions. How to make your synchronous sessions more dynamic and engaging? Find some useful guidelines here.

10. Systemic Racism in the Educational System

Paulette Delgado
Racial biases in schools impact the students learning experience and how teachers perform in the classroom. Having good intentions is not enough; it takes resources and support to eradicate racial discrimination in the education system.


This article from Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education may be shared under the terms of the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0