Tec de Monterrey defines its plan towards 2030

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Salvador Alva, president of Tec de Monterrey, presented the axes that will define the institution in the next decade.

Tec de Monterrey defines its plan towards 2030
Reading time 5 minutes
Reading Time: 5 minutes


Salvador Alva, president of Tec de Monterrey, presented the axes that will define the institution in the next decade.

Image: Tec de Monterrey

By: TecReview

An education that not only prepares students for the workforce but for life will be the center of the new vision to 2030 of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

“We are beginning to experience a change in our planet that is advancing at an exponential rate in what many have called Revolution 4.0,” Alva said, to the board of directors of the institution in its annual meeting.

“Leadership, innovation, and entrepreneurship for human flourishing,” will synthesize Tec de Monterrey’s new vision, enriching the current mission, in which leadership and entrepreneurship are already distinctive.

Within the global trends, Tec identified five that will directly impact education:

  1. A world without borders. Today’s society proposes new forms of interaction and will generate questions like: how to take advantage of the power of global networks and create value?

  2. A shared world. This trend challenges to train leaders in a distributed and non-centralized economy and to generate trust in shared knowledge.

  3. Open cities. The rapid urbanization and concentration of talent offer dilemmas on how to make the most innovative and humane cities into shared knowledge campuses.

  4. Lifelong learning. 85% of the occupations of 2030 have not been invented yet, and this is an example that the traditional model must be complemented by new forms of learning and certification for professional and personal development.

  5. The era of simulation. Artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and big data will converge, generating new ways of receiving and valuing education.

The new role of universities

“It all comes down to whether the university should prepare us for work or life,” said Alva, affirming that Tec, “will bet on the latter.”

“This is at the same time a great opportunity and a great challenge for the future that forces us to question the role of human beings in this new world,” he added.

“We also live in a world where there is little trust in institutions (…) where it is not yet common to share and work collaboratively. We will have to rethink the role they will play and the responsibility that the universities will assume,” said Alva.

Four differentiators for human flourishing

Tec de Monterrey will continue its vision of education with “leadership, innovation and entrepreneurship for human flourishing” focused on four key differentiators:

  1. The person at the center, to create a sustainable world.

  2. Create research, innovation and entrepreneurship poles.

  3. Be a platform for experiential and personalized learning.

  4. Be a driver of the transformation of cities and communities.

Tec de Monterrey

Tec de Monterrey

The big question is whether the university should prepare us for work or life

The new values of the Tec and the Tec21 Model

“A vision can be powerful and inspiring and without a doubt, it’s a great start, but it’s only 10% of the way; the rest is to work in the organization and culture,” said Salvador Alva. He also stressed that in the last five years, the institution has worked hard in a new organizational culture and listed the five values that should characterized the institution by 2030.

  1. Innovation: disruption that generates value.

  2. Integrity: freedom with responsibility.

  3. Collaboration: working together to achieve the vision.

  4. Empathy and inclusion: always people first.

  5. Global citizenship: work for a sustainable world.

Tec, TecSalud and TecMilenio

To make this vision possible towards 2030, not only Tecnológico de Monterrey but also, Tecmilenio and TecSalud will be essential.

Guillermo Torre, rector of TecSalud, explained that the focus on welfare, prevention and longevity will be key for the future. He also added that there will be two major high-impact research initiatives: a genome sequencing project of 100 thousand Mexicans and one of cellular and regenerative therapy.

Meanwhile, Héctor Escamilla, rector of Tecmilenio University, highlighted the recognition they have received as the first positive university in the world and emphasized his vision of “positive people with a life purpose and the skills to achieve it.”

“Today we are fortunate to have inherited an admirable institution, which is a wonderful platform with credibility and capacity, rare in our country, from which we aspire to have an even greater transformative impact,” summarized Salvador Alva. “Let’s make it possible that the world of tomorrow can not be understood without the fundamental contribution of Tecnológico de Monterrey,” he concluded.


This article from Observatory of the Institute for the Future of Education may be shared under the terms of the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0